Events I Love to DJ


Dance Festivals

Beach Parties

Children’s Events

Day Clubs

Wellness Events

Music I Enjoy Spinning

Chill House

Dance Music

Melodic House

Children’s Music

Healing House

Funky Disco House

Fully Wireless Setup!

The Fully Wireless Setup allows you to not have wires all over your space!

You can choose wherever you want the speakers and lights to be!

No power outlets needed!

Watch & Listen

DJ Mixes

January 30th, March 30th, May 30th, July 30th, September 30th, November 30th

NEW DJ Mixes Release

the 30th of the 6 Months Below

See & Hear DJ Mixes on YouTube & YouTube Music

Random Mashups

Random Mashups Go Like This

  1. 1. I Play a Song

  2. 2. I grab a Random Song from my Hat, Bag, Box, etc.

  3. 3. I have to Mix The Song I picked with the Song Currently Playing

  4. 4. I Mix Both Songs ON THE SPOT

February 28th, April 30th, June 30th, August 30th, October 30th, December 30th

NEW Random Mashups Release

the 30th of the 6 Months Below

Watch more Random Mashups on Instagram & YouTube Shorts

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